Welcome to the Secrets to Contact Center Success Podcast

With Blair Stevenson, Founder of BravaTrak and the host of the show




Welcome to the Secrets to Contact Center Success. The podcast which connects you with the latest and greatest tips from the best and brightest minds in the industry. I am Blair Stevenson, the host of the show.

But before I tell you a bit about myself, let's talk about you. More specifically; the value you can expect to get from regularly tuning in. My focus is on interviewing experts in the contact centre space, to share with you the best secrets for solving the challenges that you're facing.

The reality is that whatever problems you're currently facing in your contact centers, someone else has faced them as well and overcome them. Someone else already has the answers. And I want to connect you with those answers to shortcut your path to success.

Each episode will cover a contact center improvement project - or a change management initiative - that a contact center leader has lead, which was highly successful.

We'll cover the challenges they faced, what they did, the results they achieved and what they learned. Then we'll get into their top three tips, so you get clear guidance based on their hard won experience.

From time to time, I'll also interview a contact center expert who brings specialist expertise to the table.

Now, I know that you're busy. So each episode is going to be only 12 to 15 minutes long. Short and snappy enough to tune into during your commute or your workout, yet packed full of useful, actionable, and thought provoking content.

We're going to start with a launch of this podcast episode and two others. Then we'll move to our weekly show, released first thing on Tuesday morning, New Zealand and Australian Eastern Time.

Now a little bit about me. As I said before, my name is Blair Stevenson. I'm the author of the book Game On - How to Increase Sales, Productivity, and Customer Experience by Turning your Managers into High-Performance Coaches.

I founded BravaTrak - which is the High-Performance Coaching System for Contact Centres - in 1997. Our coaching system helps contact centre leaders like you to create a world-class coaching culture, so that you can beat your targets without burning people out.

It's guaranteed to lift performance in your centres by at least 11% in six months, or it's completely free. Many of my clients have gone on to lift performance by more than 21% within a year.

Now, while these are substantial performance improvements, I'm certainly no superhero. I'm just an ordinary guy, who's focused for 23 years at getting really good at one thing.

In that time, I've helped senior leaders in more than 53 organizations across 17 industries. I've spent more than $4.5 million dollars refining my system working with over 12,500 managers. This system has helped my clients to generate more than $107 million in both cost savings and sales revenue.

During this time I've discovered that many contact centre leaders are time poor. And they haven't necessarily had a resource which connects them with quick and simple answers to the challenges that they're facing. You may find yourself in a similar situation. If that's the case, I'm producing this Secrets to Contact Center Success podcast for you.

If you'd like to star on the show, or if you'd like to recommend someone I should interview, please email me at blairs@bravatrak.com. My email is in the show description below.

Also, if you have any feedback for improvement, any questions or any topics that you'd like covered, please get in touch with me. I'd love to hear from you.

Until then, I hope you find Secrets to Contact Centre Success an enjoyable and a valuable listen.